Monday, October 31, 2005


  • Apple's next iPod incarnation: the mp3 toilet

  • No sex please, we're professors
    In a recent preliminary and unpublished study, "Money, Sex, and Happiness," researchers from Dartmouth College and Warwick University (UK) found that people who consider themselves happiest are those who are having the most sex. The study does not claim that having sex causes happiness or vice versa. But of the 16,000 people in the research sample, happiness was associated with sex for both women and men and people under and over the age of 40. And despite the notion that money can buy happiness, researchers found little — if any — connection between increased wealth and long-term happiness.

  • 51% of Americans haven't evolved. Ever.

  • Mel Gibson unveils plans for his next movie.
    The film's stars will be unrecognizable to most moviegoers, and they will speak in the Mayan tongue of Yucateco, Gibson said. It will be light on dialogue and heavy on images and action. It's set 600 years ago, prior to the 16th-century Spanish conquest of Mexico and Central America.
    So, despite the fact that it's set in Mexico, no Gael Garcia Bernal, but there probably will be a lot more hot flogging scenes for you Victor.


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